X-Files Creator Chris Carter Wants More Episodes

Chris Carter is ready for more “X-Files,” it’s just a question of when.
In a recent interview, “X-Files” creator Chris Carter was asked about the future of the show beyond the limited resurrection on Fox. With ratings doing well and Fox being happy overall with the series, it seems like a sure thing, but Chris Carter isn’t sure how soon Fox will bite.
“The last negotiations took about five months, so it could be a while before we figure out how to do this.”
With the series having a cliffhanger ending, audiences were expecting some sort of continuation. But just because the series has an open ending, that doesn’t necessarily mean that we deserve an answer. According to Carter, this is a common element of the “X-Files” and closure isn’t exactly a strong attribute of this series. But while he and Fox may have intentions of continuing the series, Carter has a pretty full plate at the moment and even this past run wasn’t that simple.
Right now I’ve got another project that I want to do first. So, for me, it’s just a matter of trying to do [The X-Files] when it makes sense and not try to shoehorn something or hit a schedule. This was hard enough doing what it did. We had a very hard beginning and end date.
But if things go to plan and we get a green light on a production date, it sounds like David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are still on board for another run. Again, it’s just another factor of timing.
I have been speaking with David pretty regularly. I think he’s game. I have spoken to Gillian less frequently, but I believe she would be game. So I’m just working around their busy schedules. They both have families. It’s another practical matter.
The series started out with a bang and gave us two solid episodes at the beginning. In the middle we saw some fillers that seemed to be pointless for a mini-series but I think we definitely have the strong finish that all of the fans hoped for. I just hope that one day we’ll have all of the questions answered.
What are your thoughts on the series?
Check out the full interview at The Hollywood Reporter