Will Ben Affleck’s Solo Batman Movie Feature the Red Hood and The Joker?

Recent Internet rumors surrounding BatFleck’s solo bat flick are setting Gotham ablaze.
What’s the big fuss you say? The rumor is that Ben Affleck’s solo Batman film will star the former boy wonder turned Red Hood as well as Batman’s most maniacal adversary the Joker.
While audiences are still months away from the theatrical release of ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’, and have yet to land any concrete evidence of what to expect, the studio is already setting gears in motion for their next Bat project. Given the rabid success of Warners and Christopher Nolan’s ‘Dark Knight’ trilogy, the studio is likely plotting and planning their cinematic strategy for what comes after what many believe will be a mega franchise launch for Warner Bros.
The rumors come from a JoBlo article which claims that the film will have BatFleck facing off against both Red Hood and The Joker.
Although Internet conjecture surrounding the Joker perhaps being former Robin Jason Todd has fueled fan curiosity, this NEW rumor may very well negate its viability – as the Red Hood is an alias of Jason Todd. For those less versed in the lesser televised history of the Bat-family, Jason Todd was actually a former Boy Wonder who is slain by the Joker only to be reanimated with a dip in Ra’s al Ghul beloved Lazarus Pit, from then taking on the identity of the Red Hood. What makes this even more intriguing is that in the source material, the Red Hood was a mantle originally held by The Joker before he became homicidal jester we all know and love. The implications are endless.
As alluded to in the ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’ trailer, something is unwell in the world of Robin and all signs point to the Joker. Does this signal complex plot points, untrue joker conjecture, or is it just the studio smokescreen to stifle prying fans? I guess that only time will tell.