Categories: Reviews

Why WolfCop is the Best Horror Movie of the Year

Writer/Director Lowell Dean brings a warm and fuzzy sense of nostalgia back to the horror genre with his epic passion project, “WolfCop.”

Lowell Dean re-traces horror to its bloody and practical-effects driven roots with “WolfCop.” The one thing that Dean does so right that other filmmakers within the genre often get so wrong is enabling the were-film to be self-aware. The movie is about an alcoholic dead-beat Cop turned alcohol fueled werewolf with a penchant for a particular brand of tooth and claw peacekeeping… and it knows it!


Influenced by modern masters of film like Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson, it’s no wonder that Dean is able to bring a rich yet self-aware Werewolf film to market and make it work. With homages to “Teen Wolf” and the 1980’s cinematic horror scene as a whole, “WolfCop” will leave you howling with its witty dialogue and gratifyingly grotesque squeam-scenes.


Leo Fafard as Lou Garou

When it comes to casting, the audience could not ask for better. Leo Fafard is “WolfCop.” His look, his mannerisms, his down right dis-regard for anything and anyone makes me ‘lycan’ even more (har har… see what I did there). Judging by his fully immersive performance one would never guess that Fafard is one of the greener cast members. Spending most of his time behind the scenes rather than in-front of the camera, it’s impressive that “WolfCop” is Fafard’s first lead role. In my opinion his performance perfectly blended humor and seriousness, never becoming cloyingly campy.


Amy Matysio as Tina

No law enforcement story is complete without the quintessential partner, and Amy Matysio’s Tina gives us that and so much more. Matysio was definitely a standout in the film bringing the overachieving, sometimes submissive, but always suspicious Tina to life with pinch of mystery and hearty helping of humor. One of the more veteran players, Matysio has  flexed her comedic bone before in bigger budget projects such as “Just Friends,” along side Amy Smart, Anna Farris and Ryan Reynolds. Matysio’s comfort on-screen adds to the rich absurdity of Dean’s waggish humor.


Jonathan Cherry as Willie Higgins

Now for the cherry on top, or should I say Jonathan Cherry. No “Wolf… Cop” is complete without a prowling buddy and Cherry’s Willie is just that buddy! Willie is really the standout in terms of infusing a comedic undertone to a rabidly amusing overtone of  wolf-rage. A particular barnyard beatdown comes to mind that vividly depicts just that. Let’s just say you’ll lose your head over it… maybe even your face… I’ve already said too much.


Sarah Lind as the sultry Jessica

Then there is Sarah Lind’s Jessica, the sultry bar tender that would make any man, part wolf or not, howl to the moon and claw for her affection. Lind definitely brings the sexy back with her more-than-meets-the-eye damsel in distress act. Don’t be fooled, she is not just a pretty face for the camera, Lind brings a certain sense of mystery and depth with her seemingly vapid shot slinging bar maiden.


With an one-of-a-kind script and able-minded cast in tow, Dean is able to infuse a strong sense of setting. By employing so many unique details like radio announcers, to political proceedings to off-beat purveyors of fried pastries and libations, Dean is able to not only able to bring this small three officer town to life, but also instill a sense of history all within a 79 minute runtime.

Entertainment Value

Given the use of practical special effects over CGI and numerous tributes to were-films since past, Dean’s affinity for the 1980’s tongue and cheek horror genre is abundantly apparent. Even with a budget of around One Million Dollars (puts pinky to lip), Dean is able to give audiences a multi-location cinematic piece littered with all the gore and situational humor one can ask for (if not more).

Get this guy a drink!

“WolfCop” may be on an indie budget but it delivers with blockbuster sized cinematography, stomach-churning gore and a fresh take on the little things that made many generations of movie-goers love the horror genre in the first place. The limited budget may have been a blessing, because not one shot of “WolfCop” gets wasted. Each transformation scene has it’s own highlights and each battle has its own surprise move, so to speak. Never a dull moment.


I personally watched “WolfCop” two times within 48 hours, and I have to admit that enjoyed it even more the second time around. This movie is riddled with so much fromage-filled nuance that once seen, it cannot be unseen or forgotten. Dean brings the setting to life with a rich and textured landscape for the talented ensemble cast to flex their ferocious funny-bones while delivering delightful squeam scenes time and again.

  • Cinematics
  • Entertainment Value
  • Rewatchability


Lowell Dean re-traces horror to its bloody and practical-effects driven roots with “WolfCop.” The one thing that Dean does so right that other filmmakers within the genre often get so wrong is enabling the were-film to be self-aware. The movie is about an alcoholic dead-beat Cop turned alcohol fueled werewolf with a penchant for a particular brand of tooth and claw peacekeeping... and it knows it! A must see for lovers of horror films both new and old.

User Rating 4 (2 votes)

You can see the official “WolfCop” trailer below. Click here to listen to FilmFad’s exclusive interview about “WolfCop” with it’s Writer/Director Lowell Dean in FadCast Ep. 28.

Check out the “Wolfcop” film at Wolfcop.com and you can follow them on Twitter at @WOLFCOPTheMovie.

Pooya: Since his wee lad-dom, Pooya has been a sommelier of cinema. It was likely some acting bug, fallen from the dust riddled ruby curtains of an enchanted old stage that did it. Those cinematic scarabs must have burrowed deep into his brain, irreversibly altering his mind, turning the poor boy down a dismal path. From his earliest years the strange boy would aimlessly wander the aisles of countless video rental stores, amassing his trivial knowledge with vigor. These actions befuddled the boy’s parents, who still would lovingly oblige his unusual attraction to the motion picture. Often seeking refuge in the cushioned seating of his local movie theater, the odd adolescent would immerse himself in the scripted and effects riddled realities unfolding on the screen before him. During his collegiate years, he was twice spotted on stage performing bizarre theatrical rituals before awe-struck audiences. When he departed from academia, he left behind his youth in exchange for a labor routine, but the strange young man never lost his long-cultivated love of film. Recently, Pooya was approached by FilmFad.com to join their budding team of entertainment bloggers. After hours of coaxing and an undisclosed number of honey jars, he accepted their offer. Finally he had come full circle. Finally, at FilmFad.com, he was home.
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