Trailer for Documentary ‘Racing Extinction’ Highlights Underground Environmental Destruction



“Racing Extinction” promotes an environmental call to action in this trailer.

From the award winning filmmakers of “The Cove” comes another documentary bringing attention to the impact of humanity on the environment. In the trailer for “Racing Extinction” we see many of these filmmakers venture off into underground territory to discover a “black market” capitalizing on endangered species. After taking many risks to gain footage they present it in this documentary as well as show their quest for change. Take a look at the trailer below.

“The Cove” won the Oscar for Best Documentary in 2009 and with “Racing Extinction” we could expect at least a nomination at the 2016 Oscars. Director Louie Psihoyos and Producer Fisher Stevens should receive some sort of critical accolades for their work on this documentary if they don’t receive the Oscar win altogether. They’re a team that have proven themselves in the past and the subject of extinction and environmental policy is a topic that is currently on the rise.

The trailer highlights the fact that we have seen five major extinctions thus far. The idea that they are pushing is that we may be approaching the sixth extinction based on humanity’s footprint on the planet. The film will explore our footprint on multiple levels. From the internal market for endangered species trade through the international wildlife trade to the impact of carbon emissions from the apparent impact of industry in front of us, “Racing Extinction” seeks to attack both threats. Even technological pioneer Elon Musk makes an appearance in the film.

“Racing Extinction” is set to premiere on The Discovery Channel Wednesday, December 2, 2015.

What did you think of the trailer? Are you interested in seeing “Racing Extinction?”

Ryan: Ryan has been fascinated with film and pop culture since childhood. Throughout college he "played it safe" taking the more lucrative route of being a computer programmer while squeezing in film related courses where he could...but even during his post college career, he could never escape his true passion. After following one of his favorite blogs for a long time, he approached the site's Editor about writing and they reluctantly gave him a shot. He later became their Senior Writer which led to a variety of other projects, radio show appearances, features, and high profile celebrity interviews. Despite his success with blogging, he still wanted more so in order to expand his creative addiction, he merged his IT skills and blogging know-how to create which has continued to grow into a creative Mecca of pop-culture fun and integrity.    Film Fad
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