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Top 6 Killer Halloween Costume Ideas from Off Beat Films

Bill Murray in Zombieland -

Bill Murray in Zombieland - www.filmfad.comBill Murray in Zombieland -

You could always dress up as Bill Murray in “Zombieland.”


Bill Murray in “Zombieland”

“Zombies don’t mess with other zombies.”

Can’t come up with a fresh idea for your Halloween getup this year? Fret not thyself for has your back with six Halloween costume ideas born from offbeat films. Counting down from the smoldering meteor of humor that is Bill Murray, here are our Top 6 picks.

“Is that how you say ‘Hello’ where you come from?”

5. Brad Pitt in “Cool World”

Cool World Pose - www.filmfad.comCool World Pose -

Detective Frank Harris (Pitt) and devious ‘Doodle’ Holli (Kim Basinger)


6a00e54ee7b6428833017616430818970c-500wi6a00e54ee7b6428833017616430818970c-500wiComing off of what was debatably his career starting role as J.D. In “Thelma and Loiuse,” Brad Pitt emerges with what is now know as the timeless cult classic “Cool World.” This live action and cartoon hybrid follows the lives of Frank Harris (Pitt) a returning G.I. and Jack Deebs (Gabriel Byrne, “The Usual Suspects”) an incarcerated wife-killing cartoonist as they are pulled into an absurd parallel universe populated entirely by ‘Doodles,’ until now.

For this Brad-ulous getup as the dapper Detective Frank Harris you need only three things:

1. The finest Zuit Suit ensemble you can muster (or afford).

1 Baggy Grey Suit set (The higher the waist and more parachute-like the better)
1 White Dress Shirt
1 Funky Abstract Wide Bodied Tie
1 Nifty Pocket Square to Match Your Tie
(Optional: Detective’s Badge and “Toy” Revolver)


2. Enough product to replicate Pitt’s youthful and regally coiffed hair… Or a wig.


3. A jaw-line that can cut diamonds. 
Let’s be honest though, the sharpness of his jaw can only be rivaled by the acute mandible of his bride Angelina Jolie… Pitt.



Now that you’re dressed to impress just make sure you stay on the lookout for Beautiful Blonde headed ‘doodles’ who only want to use you to cross a dimensional barrier.


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4. Neil Patrick Harris in “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog”

“Hey! NPH wouldn’t do that…”


In between his portrayed penchant for promiscuity on “How I Met Your Mother” and his famed cameo as the omnipotent proponent of drug use, NPH, in “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle,” Neil Patrick Harris was involved with a lesser know independent gem of a project called “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.” In this musical superhero centric action-comedy written and directed by Joss Whedon, Dr. Horrible is an aspiring evil scientist desperately vying to gain entrance to the Evil League of Evil.


Nathan Fillion assists NPH with his vocal warm ups.

To properly pull off Dr. Horrible, you need the following items:

1 Pair of Khaki Slacks
1 White Long Lab coat (preferably one that buttons on the shoulder)
1 Pair of white lab gloves
1 Pair of lab goggles (the more EVIL the better)
(Optional: A Freeze Ray that freezes time for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds and a Broadway caliber singing voice.)


What’s that? You have a friend coming with? Well, for every Dr. Horrible there is a self-absorbed do gooder of an arch nemesis, Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion).

Captain Hammer:

1 Pair of Dark colored Cargo Pants
1 Blue T-Shirt with the Hammer insignia emblazoned across the chest
1 Pair of Black heavy duty gloves
1 pair of Boots
(Optional: A penchant for narcism and a distinguished yet commanding voice that instils confidence in those fearful and fright in the heart of all foes.)


Yet another person joining the gang? Well no supervillian is complete without their evil sidekick. In this case “The Big Bang Theory’s” very own Simon Helberg plays Dr. Horribles profusely sweaty companion in crime, Moist.



1 Members only-esque Jacket (Must be purchased from a thrift store or pulled from a parents closet)
1 Horribly bland grey colored 90’s graphic T-Shirt
1 Pair of Jeans
1 Generous application of moisture (Baby oil is optional)



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3. Justin Long in the Walrus Suit in “Tusk”

I don’t wanna die in Canada!

Conceived from a seemingly cannabis induced colloquy between Kevin Smith and production comrade Scott Mosier on SModacast, the story of “Tusk” errantly clambers into the annals of cult horror films. Tusk follows a mustached podcaster Wallace Bryton (Justin Long) who travels to a rural region of Canada for an off-beat interview only to find himself entangled in the sadistic plot of an eccentric old seafarer (Michael Parks).



Justin Long’s as Mr. Tusk:
1 Pair of Walrus Tusks (I suppose a replica of some sort is acceptable)
1 Patchwork Walrus outfit made from human skin (Synthetic alternatives also acceptable)
1 Bucket of fresh fish (preferably mackerel)
(Optional: An overall all distaste for humanity as you spiral into a walrus-minded madness)


No Mr. Tusk is complete without his eccentric seafaring keeper slapping him across the face with a mackerel here and there.


Essential for this outfit:
1. Listen to “Thrift Shop” by Macklemore and you should do just fine.
2. Hold a large fish with which you bait Mr. Tusk… and occasionally slap with as well.



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2. Joaquin Phoenix in “Her”

The past is just a story we tell ourselves.

In the Year 2025 we meet a lonely and socially awkward man, Theodore Twombly (Phoenix), who ironically pens heartfelt greetings for others by trade. Trapped in a depressingly mundane cycle of work and repressed emotions, Twombly finds some repreive when an ad for a new Artificial Intelligence cellphone technology catches his eye. Little does Twombly know that the ad will change his life…


Note from the writer: If you have not seen this movie yet then you MUST see it. Now! Well… finish reading this, then GO watch it!


Joaquin Phoenix as Theodore Twombly:
1 Pair of Dark Beige Dress Slacks
1 White Button Down Dress Shirt
1 Race Car Red Members Only jacket
1 Caterpillar that sleeps on upper lips (a real or fake mustache is also acceptable)
1 Pair of Reading Glasses sans the lenses (the more hipster the better)
1 Cellphone in a red case
(Optional: Severe social awkwardness and Forehead that can act)

The most pivotal part of this costume is not in dress but in action. You MUST speak with your phone as if it’s your most dearest friend and lover. Tell it secrets that you wouldn’t dare tell another and you just might be surprised by how good the connection is… “can you hear me now?”

If you want to take things one step further, then invite a friend, dress them as a cellphone, and romance them all evening. The creepier the smile and more mushy the conversation the better.


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 1. Channing Tatum as Danny McBride’s Gimp in “This is the End”

Danny, tell me how my ass tastes.

 “Channing fucking Tatum. I found him wandering on the freeway. I collected him, made him my bitch.”

The world is ending. After a catastrophic incident leaving a party-hungry Michael Cera impaled and many other celebs dead, James Franco along with Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and many other celebrities are faced with events preceeding the apocalypse. On their odd adventures in search of salvation, the motley crew runs into Danny McBride, a bitter ex-friend they spurned in the beginning, who has now turned to cannibalism.

“I’m a cannibal, hombre. We’re gonna fuckin’ eat your ass.”

McBride is not alone. He is accompanied by henchmen, underlings and one gimp in particular. “Magic Mike” himself, Channing Tatum. In this case, Tatum portrays a luchador mask wearing sex-slave to a dominant mullet bearing overlord, McBride.


Channing Tatum as Sex-Gimp:
1 Set of Football pads
1 Pair of Lacrosse or other body armor from knee to foot
1 Luchador Mask (the more colorful the better)
1 Pair of Tighty Whities (The more soiled the briefs the better)
(Optional: Eating human flesh for sustenance.)

No Tatum Slave-Gimp ensemble is complete without being down on all fours and wearing a leash held by your sexual overlord.

For full-advice on how to Perfect your “This is the End” costumes, watch this video:


Look through the Gallery below and tell us which costume idea is YOUR favorite!

Pooya: Since his wee lad-dom, Pooya has been a sommelier of cinema. It was likely some acting bug, fallen from the dust riddled ruby curtains of an enchanted old stage that did it. Those cinematic scarabs must have burrowed deep into his brain, irreversibly altering his mind, turning the poor boy down a dismal path. From his earliest years the strange boy would aimlessly wander the aisles of countless video rental stores, amassing his trivial knowledge with vigor. These actions befuddled the boy’s parents, who still would lovingly oblige his unusual attraction to the motion picture. Often seeking refuge in the cushioned seating of his local movie theater, the odd adolescent would immerse himself in the scripted and effects riddled realities unfolding on the screen before him. During his collegiate years, he was twice spotted on stage performing bizarre theatrical rituals before awe-struck audiences. When he departed from academia, he left behind his youth in exchange for a labor routine, but the strange young man never lost his long-cultivated love of film. Recently, Pooya was approached by to join their budding team of entertainment bloggers. After hours of coaxing and an undisclosed number of honey jars, he accepted their offer. Finally he had come full circle. Finally, at, he was home.
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