Top 5 Movies with Muppets or Puppets

2. Labyrinth (1986)
I can bear it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be take this child of mine far away from me!
In 1986, the legendary creative forces of executive producer George Lucas and Director (and Muppet Master) Jim Henson collided. The outcome is the absurd, off-beat, and ’80s flavored British-American musical adventure fantasy film “Labyrinth.” The story starts with young Sarah (Jennifer Connelly), who in a fit of discontentment, wishes for her baby half-brother, Toby, to be ferried off to a far away land. To Sarah’s surprise, the Goblin King Jareth (David Bowie), forcefully grants Sarah’s half-hearted wish, and threatens to keep baby Toby if Sarah does not complete his rigorous Labyrinth in thirteen hours. Not only is this movie riddled with fantastic muppet creations from the far reaches of Henson’s and concept artist Brian Froud’s minds, but it brings the star power of a prime David Bowie and budding Jennifer Connelly. Throw in some seriously bizarre (yet supremely cool looking) landscapes, imaginative creature creations and borderline inappropriate thematic qualities which have the 45 year old Bowie pining after the 15 year old Connelly as his goblin bride to be, and you have a high-quality muppet/puppet film.
I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.
Watch “Labyrinth” in its entirety below!