Top 5 Movies with Muppets or Puppets

4. The Dark Crystal (1982)
Another world, another time, in the age of wonder. A thousand years ago, this land was green and good – until the Crystal cracked.
1982, Jim Henson and Frank Oz co-directed “The Dark Crystal,” a British-American fully-muppet fantasy film that would become an icon for it’s genre. When the almighty Crystal is broken, the wicked Skeksis invade and pillage the Gelfling Kingdom, killing or enslaving their entire population. Amid the chaos, Two of the Gelflings survive, Jen and Kira. Jen was raised by the all-knowing Mystics, while Kira grew up amongst the swamp-dwelling Podlings. Jen, sets out on a quest to restore the homeostasis of the mythical Gelfling kingdom by returning a lost shard to a powerful (one may even say Dark) but broken… wait for it…. crystal. Who can deny that Jim Henson, who is debatably the father of modern-puppeteering, alone would easily qualify this 100% Muppet-filled film to make the Top 5. If that is not enough, ’90’s electronic music pioneers, The Crystal Method even sampled the above-mentioned quote for their highly popular “Trip Like I Do” track on their “Vegas” album.
Watch “The Dark Crystal” in its entirety below!