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Top 5 Movie Scenes That Made Me Cry

Top 5 Movie Scenes That Made Me Cry

3. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – “The last issue…”


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – “The last issue…”

Ben Stiller’s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty has become a favorite of mine. While the film itself is an emotional journey, the final scene is a surprise that culminates that journey into an emotional release.

Walter was an average guy with aspirations for something greater. In an instance, he finds that greater he’s been longing for becoming a guiding light for all of us trapped in the routine of life. The journey itself is inspirational but the reveal of a photo he’s been searching for is an emotional punch to the gut.

While Walter thought his position at Life Magazine was insignificant, the final photo proved quite the opposite. It was not a photo of a “ghost cat” or some iconic moment in history, but instead a photo of Walter himself selecting a photo for the magazine.

What got to me at this moment was what the photo said about Walter’s life before his adventure. While Walter took a great journey throughout the film, unbeknownst to him, he was already doing something amazing. This is what most of us want, just to be appreciated. And Walter being appreciated by just one person (the right person) put him on the cover of the magazine’s final issue so the world knew who he was and how important he was.

2. 50/50 – “Mom…”


50/50 – “Mom…”

I’ve said many times that “50/50” is a film that didn’t get its fair share of recognition and Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s performance is a testament to that. While the film does have its moments of comedy, overall the drama weighs heavily on the film, especially towards the end.

Just before Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is being taken into surgery, a culmination of emotions seem to hit him all at once. Love, fear, and despair all overcome him as he loses his composure and breaks down into tears mumbling for his mother.

What got me with this scene was how genuine and real it felt. Throughout the film Adam complains about how overbearing his mother is due to her insistence of taking care of him. His continued battle with cancer seems to take little toll on his beliefs until reality sets in all at once. Feeling lost and defeated, he calls out to this person he has taken for granted the entire film and everything he is feeling seems to just permeate through the screen. The film is amazing overall but this moment in particular is what pops the balloon of emotion that’s been building throughout.

1. Marley & Me – “…we couldn’t find a better dog…”


Marley & Me – “…we couldn’t find a better dog…”

It may be a film intended to invoke emotions but that doesn’t mean that “Marley & Me” isn’t effective at doing so. The entire film revolves around what a troublesome but lovable dog Marley is up until his final moments.

At the end of the movie, John (Owen Wilson) takes Marley to the vet to be put down due to Marley’s suffering. As the vet is administering the IV, John comforts him recounting their life together. Despite the trouble they had with Marley, John tells him to not believe any of the negativity. Aside from the mischief, John focuses on the fact that Marley loved them every day regardless of how they felt about him at the moment. And for that reason John tells Marley the they “couldn’t find a better dog” and that he loves him.

Everyone has their moments of emotional impact but if you can get through this scene without feeling anything then I would question if you had a heart. Going through the loss of a dog myself and raising two more puts this scene a little too close to home for me. The scene carries so much emotional weight that I actually refuse to watch this movie whenever it’s on TV. For those who aren’t animal lovers or pet owners, it may be difficult to understand the loss of a pet. But for those that recognize their pets as members of the family like I do, then this scene will surely tear you up inside.

What are some of your “tearjerker” movie moments?

About The Author


Ryan has been fascinated with film and pop culture since childhood. Throughout college he "played it safe" taking the more lucrative route of being a computer programmer while squeezing in film related courses where he could...but even during his post college career, he could never escape his true passion. After following one of his favorite blogs for a long time, he approached the site's Editor about writing and they reluctantly gave him a shot. He later became their Senior Writer which led to a variety of other projects, radio show appearances, features, and high profile celebrity interviews. Despite his success with blogging, he still wanted more so in order to expand his creative addiction, he merged his IT skills and blogging know-how to create which has continued to grow into a creative Mecca of pop-culture fun and integrity.    Film Fad

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