Top 5 Least Charismatic A-List Hollywood Actors

1. Kristen Stewart
I have to preface this by saying, I am openly a big fan of Kristen Stewart. I’m not talking “Twilight” era Stewart, but “Snow White And The Huntsman,” “Adventureland,” “Camp X-Ray,” “Still Alice” prove that she transcends the pop-tart box-office mold and proves he award-worthy chops. Still, she is painfully awkward to watch in interviews. Perhaps is partly due to her Louisville slugger bluntness or brutal honesty about details of her life, but Stewart is the worst and least charismatic interviewee I have ever seen. From her bizarre choice of anecdotes, personal confessions and nervous energy fidget frenzies, Stewart has managed to perplex viewers of “Ellen” to “Saturday Night Live.” While I will continue to love her movies, I won’t be tuning into her talkshow appearances anytime soon. Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who is the least charismatic of all? All signs point to Snow White…
Who did we miss? Who would YOU add to the list? Tell us in the comment section below!