Top 5 Artist Wish List for Next James Bond Theme Song



Though the new James Bond movie does not start filming until December ahead of an October 23, 2015 release, speculation has already begun on who should sing the next opening theme song for the film.  While part of me wishes the producers could get Tupac’s hologram from Coachella 2012 to usher in a new Bond film, I can only imagine the franchise producers may make a more safe choice but that just wouldn’t be my style.  Below are a list of artists that would be on a short list of musicians I would love to see tackle a new James Bond opening theme song.

Foo Fighters - www.filmfad.comFoo Fighters -

Foo Fighters

5. Foo Fighters

The Foo Fighters have been around for 20 years now and seem to rock harder the older they get.  Daniel Craig defied many fans’ expectations by turning James Bond into a flawed yet relentless MI6 agent who seemingly laughs in the face of danger.  To me, Dave Grohl exudes this kind of confidence and would be able to translate that kind of emotion into a perfect opening song.

The Civil Wars

4. The Civil Wars

What would be a better way to bring this award-winning duo back together?  The Civil Wars would be able to put together a haunting opening song that would exemplify James Bond’s dark side, hinting at thing to come in the film.  The band has some great songs and I think they could really put together something great given this high-profile opportunity.

Click to Page 2 for the next 2 picks!

Imagine Dragons and Kendrick Lamar

3. Imagine Dragons and Kendrick Lamar

Am I the only one who has watched Imagine Dragons and Kendrick Lamar’s Grammy performance over and over?  After listening to the two artists perform together, I was ready to run through my living room wall and go fight crime.  James Bond actually does this in his movies (sometimes several times).


2. Prince

This one may seem silly to have associated to have on this list, but just hear me out.  Prince is awesome and he can do anything with his guitar and a microphone.  Argument won.

Click the next page for the FINAL pick!


1. Coldplay

The band seems to consistently put out songs with lyrics that are powerful and I think this would translate nicely to a James Bond opening song.  This would give them the opportunity to explore something a bit more dark, edgier and rock oriented (if they chose to go that route) without the risk of having to tailor an entire album around that type of sound and concept.

Who would you like to see tackle the next James Bond opening song?

Davy: Davy 'The Dragon' Moorhead is a lover of many things: his family, beer, March Madness, Old Dominion University sports and television/movies. In fact his favorite memory is watching the best film of all-time, "The Dark Knight" on TV in the hospital with his daughter the day after she was born (get them started early!). In fact, film and TV shows have had a major influence on his life beginning with "Doogie Howser M.D." and "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" and more recently with "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and "The Walking Dead". He leaves no genre aside in search of the next best thing. Though his choices may not be viewed favorably by everyone (he still thinks "50 First Dates" is a top 10 movie of all time), he stands be his convictions.
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