Top 10 Funniest, Most Awesome Will Ferrell Characters

Some describe him as the best comedian of our time. I describe him as the best thing next to a free platter of cheese or getting drunk in the morning (or something equally glorious). Whatever way you describe Will Ferrell, one thing is certain—he is a comedic genius. With all of the anticipation for the upcoming movie “Get Hard” I began thinking to myself, “will this character be as funny as the other characters that Ferrell has played?” After finishing my platter of cheese, I constructed an esteemed list of past comedic roles that Ferrell has played.
Without further ado, I present to you the top ten funniest, most awesomest Will Ferrell characters.
10. Steve Butabi – A Night at the Roxbury & SNL Skit
This is a story of Yemeni-American brothers searching for love (okay, maybe not love) in all of the wrong places. The combination of ridiculous ambitions and choreographed dance moves makes it hard not to love this character. Although the film did not receive good ratings, the SNL skit has stood out among others due to the absurdity of the characters and guest appearances from Jim Carrey, Martin Short, Tom Hanks, and Cameron Diaz.
So let’s pay tribute to the Butabi brothers! [Now playing “What is Love” in the background] Cock your head to the side, make sure to synchronize the head-bobs, and enjoy abrasively bumping genitals against a complete stranger!
9. Harry Caray – SNL Skit
“If you were a hotdog and you were starving, would you eat yourself? I know I would.” The real-life boisterous MLB broadcaster Harry Caray was well known for mispronouncing players’ names, reading words backwards, and his quirky statements; and in this skit Ferrell perfectly encapsulates Caray’s demeanor and behavioral nuances (check out the tremors). Therefore, this skit deserved the top ten list for one of the best portrayals of a celebrity.
8. Craig Buchanan – SNL Skit
One of Ferrell’s, and SNL’s, most recognized characters is Craig Buchanan—the spunky, Spartan cheerleader. I have to admit that this is a personal favorite ever since high school when my friend and I would memorize all of the cheers and parade throughout the hallways chanting the most absurd, and sometimes, inappropriate lines. I’m sure all of my teachers appreciated this cheer: “Taco! Burrito! What’s coming out of your speedo? You got troubles, whoo! You’re blowin’ bubbles, whoo! YOU STINK!”
7. Gene Frenkle – SNL Skit
Gene Frenkle, better known as the cowbell player for the Blue Oyster Cult Band, makes me pee myself a bit when I see him in a tight shirt swimming around the room, bumping into the solemn musicians, and taking his low-grade instrument way too seriously. On top of that, this skit has some of most well-known SNL lines. However, it is really the chemistry between Ferrell and Christopher Walken that creates the humor found in this skit, and that is why it unfortunately only made #7 on the list.
Best Quote: “And I’d be doing myself a disservice and every member of this band, if I didn’t perform the HELL out of this!” Walken’s character responds, “Guess what? I got a fever. And the only prescription…is more cowbell!”