Top 10 Actors Who’ve Played Multiple Comic Book Characters



Who will be the TOP actor to have played multiple comic book characters… read on to find out!


We are counting down the Top 10 Actors Who’ve Played Multiple Comic Book Characters. That’s right, while some actors only get lucky enough to be in one comic book movie…

Whose balls did I have to fondle to get my very own movie? – Wade Wilson/ “Deadpool” (2016)

Accounting for the number of comic book roles and projects, we have compiled a list of the select few who’ve donned tights, made wrongs right, and prowled the night with multiple roles across screens both big and small.

While there are numerous actors who have played more than one comic book character, these 10 far out weigh their peers with two or more roles spread over multiple film and television properties. Stayed tuned for our upcoming “10 More Actors Who’ve Played Multiple Comic Book Characters” to see which actors are dedicated to the comic book craft, but didn’t make the cut for the top 10?

10. Neal McDonough


Perhaps most famously known for his role as Lieutenant Lynn “Buck” Compton in the HBO miniseries “Band of Brothers,” McDonough starts our list with two different roles spread over five comic book adapted tv shows and one feature film.

In 2011, McDonough joined the early phase of the MCU as Timothy “Dum Dum” Dugan in “Captain America: The first Avenger” with guest appearances on “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” in 2014 and “Agent Carter” in 2015.

This is where Things turn Dark for McDonough, Damien Darhk to be exact, as McDonough switches from Disney’s Marvel to Warner’s DC, joining CW’s “ARROW” as an emerging villain. Darhk’s popularity even propels the baddie into sister shows “The Flash” in 2016 and “Legends of Tomorrow” into 2017.

9. Rosario Dawson

In 2005, Dawson steps into her first live-action comic book role as Gail in Frank Miller’s “Sin City.” While not a complete hit, the noir Robert Rodriguez directed film’s cult fandom earned it a 2014 sequel, “Sin City: A Dame To Kill For,” in which Dawson reprises her tough as nails role.

In 2015, Dawson boards the fledgling Netflix Marvel project for “Daredevil” as Claire Temple, otherwise known as Night Nurse. The extreme success of the series brought “Jessica Jones” and Luke Cage, in which Dawson is seen playing a larger role. Already billed as a regular for the upcoming Netflix super team-up “The Defenders,” fans can expect to see a lot more of Claire Temple in the future.

8. Danny Huston

Some Guys are just bad Guys, and some guys just play them. Danny Huston is no stranger to the comic book villain role. In 2007 he plays vampire Marlow in the adaptation of graphic novel “30 Days of Night.”

With an insatiable thirst for blood, Huston returns to the big screen in 2009, this time as the hateful Stryker in the disastrous spin-off “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.” in 2017, Huston will keep his reign of comic book villainy rolling as he steps into a big time baddie role for DCEU’s much anticipated “Wonder Woman.”

7. Jim Carrey

With a personality as animated as his, it’s no surprise old rubber face has had his fair share of comic book roles. Sandwiched betwixt his hat-trick of career-starting consecutive hits, “Ace Ventura” and “Dumb & Dumber,” Carrey’s first entry into his comic book filmography was a lowly bank teller Stanley Ipkiss turned mischievous green-faced hero, in “The Mask” (1994).

In 1995, Carrey swaps a green face for a green jumpsuit as he takes on Edward Nigma aka the Riddler in Batman Forever – a preamble to the demise of the 90’s batman film era. After almost two decades, Carrey returns to the comic book movie medium in 2013 as General Stars & Stripes for the hyper violent “Kick-As 2,” a film which Carrey boycotted pre-release due to growing concern over the film’s message on gun violence.

6. Ray Stevenson

From gritty to gluttonous, Ray Stevenson starts his foray into comic book films as the vendetta seeking one man army Frank Castle in the 2008 “Punisher: War Zone.” While the film certainly had an impressive on screen body count, it didn’t have the same impressive body count in theaters.

It was, however, enough to land Stevenson a more stout role in 2011 as one Thor’s most trusted companions Volstagg of The Warriors three. The ravenous Volstagg returns in “Thor: The Dark World” in 2013, although it is uncertain as to whether or not we’ll see the jovial mustachioed warrior in the upcoming trilogy topper “Thor Ragnarok.”

Watch our “Top 10 Actors Who’ve Played Multiple Comic Book Characters” video for the FINAL Top 5 Actors:

Which Comic Book Actor from the list is YOUR favorite? Let us know in the comment section below.

Pooya: Since his wee lad-dom, Pooya has been a sommelier of cinema. It was likely some acting bug, fallen from the dust riddled ruby curtains of an enchanted old stage that did it. Those cinematic scarabs must have burrowed deep into his brain, irreversibly altering his mind, turning the poor boy down a dismal path. From his earliest years the strange boy would aimlessly wander the aisles of countless video rental stores, amassing his trivial knowledge with vigor. These actions befuddled the boy’s parents, who still would lovingly oblige his unusual attraction to the motion picture. Often seeking refuge in the cushioned seating of his local movie theater, the odd adolescent would immerse himself in the scripted and effects riddled realities unfolding on the screen before him. During his collegiate years, he was twice spotted on stage performing bizarre theatrical rituals before awe-struck audiences. When he departed from academia, he left behind his youth in exchange for a labor routine, but the strange young man never lost his long-cultivated love of film. Recently, Pooya was approached by to join their budding team of entertainment bloggers. After hours of coaxing and an undisclosed number of honey jars, he accepted their offer. Finally he had come full circle. Finally, at, he was home.

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