Terminator: Genisys Actor Terry Dale Parks speaks on PG-13 rating

Terry Dale Parks is an actor that has managed to find the balance between following his dream of becoming an established actor in Hollywood while maintaining the family life he longed for. We had the chance to interview him about how he’s managed to find happiness in marriage and fatherhood while also appearing in many well known films such as Thor and the upcoming Terminator: Genisys.
He also manages to shed some light on the reasoning behind the controversial “PG-13” rating for “Terminator: Genisys” rather than the “R” rating that fans expected. His response is quite logical when stating that the film is more focused on supplementing the story from the original James Cameron films rather than saturating the film with senseless violence. While the action and special effects are present in the “Terminator: Genisys,” Terry feels that fans of the original films will feel more satisfied with this sequel rather than “Terminator 3” or “Terminator Salvation.” Take a look at the full interview below.
Terry Dale Parks on managing family-life and his career.
FilmFad: Hi Terry, I’m Ryan Christopher from FilmFad.com, how are you?
Terry Dale Parks: Good, Good. How are you doing Ryan?
FilmFad: So I did a little bit of research on you prior to this conversation and you’ve moved back to Oklahoma to take over your family ranch and I was wondering how that has impacted your career as far as set locations and things go?
Terry Dale Parks: Well I moved back about 15 years ago and it definitely keeps me busy. I was just working New Orleans last week. I have a baby, an 18-month old, and my wife and we spend a lot of time on the road and they were down there with me in New Orleans. It’s a big balance, traveling everywhere to take care of things.
I actually started my film career though, after moving back to Oklahoma 15 years ago. It was a time when in LA, it was very tough for me. I was living there and had been there since the 90s. I was really having a hard time, I was spinning my wheels. It was when I moved back to Oklahoma that I met a casting director who cast me in a film. I met her and two weeks later she cast me in a film. First role I ever got.
FilmFad: Well I have to say that it’s awesome to hear that someone can maintain a home life and a Hollywood career. I heard you mention New Orleans and this is more of a personal note but I’m absolutely fascinated with New Orleans and I gotta ask, does your frequenting of New Orleans come more from a personal love for the city or is it just where the work is? For instance your NCIS work?
Terry Dale Parks: Well it’s where a lot of the work has been over the last few years. I will tell you that I have a history with New Orleans as well. My wife is from southern Mississippi, very near New Orleans. We bought a house in 2005 and moved in to Gulfport, Mississippi just outside of New Orleans. So we spent a lot of time down there. But we bought a house there [and] we moved in 10 days before Hurricane Katrina hit and it was a half a block off of the beach. So Hurricane Katrina destroyed the house.
So yeah, we intended to live down there but the Universe had other plans I guess.