Tag: Mallrats 2
‘Clerks 3’ And ‘Mallrats 2’ Cancelled, Now What?
Recently indie filmmaker Kevin Smith made headlines announcing a new film on the horizon, ‘Jay and Silent Bob Reboot.’ This would in fact be a sequel to his earlier film ‘Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back’ which had meant to be the end of the Viewaskew series of films that included ‘Clerks’, ‘Mallrats’, ‘Chasing Amy’, ‘Dogma’, and the aforementioned Jay and Silent Bob original. Minor spoiler but that film ends with God from ‘Dogma’ literally closing the book on the Viewaskew universe. Thinking ahead he left a few pages open for more films in he ever felt compelled. As such we eventually got ‘Clerks 2’ which many viewers felt was a return to form for him.
Read MoreExclusive: Jeremy London Talks ‘Mallrats 2’ aka ‘MallBrats’ Reunion
by Ryan | Jun 8, 2016 | Exclusives, Interviews | 0 |
If you were a fan of the hit TV series “Party of Five” or a big Kevin Smith fan, then you probably know Jeremy London. He’s an actor who is very recognizable even if you aren’t familiar with “Mallrats” like you should be. When it comes to quintessential 90s films, “Mallrats” is among the must-watch movies and Jeremy London was a major part of making that film what it is today. Talking with Jeremy, we were able to get some insight into his career and the upcoming “Mallrats” sequel. Take a look below.
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