But Is It Really That Stupid: Addams Family Movies
One of my all time favorites would be “The Addams Family” and “Addams Family Values”, I love them to death and have watched them since I can remember despite them being one joke movies. It’s basically “oh isn’t it funny, they’re doing a dark creepy version of a normal activity ha-ha?” A film that succeeds despite it’s very simplistic approach. Nothing major or substantial, just a fun flick to enjoy. Stupid fun… but is it really that stupid? I know I’m not alone in loving these films in particular and this franchise in general. Let’s remember The Addams Family as a franchise has existed since 1938, gone through several different types of media, and is still going strong with plans for a new reboot in the future. Something doesn’t last this long and through so many changes if there isn’t something more to it, so is there?
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