San Diego Comic Con SDCC 2015 Wrap Up Summary

X-Men Apocalypse Coverage
With Marvel Studios being absent from San Diego, their rivals at Fox needed to come strong. With a new poster, Hugh Jackman’s announcement for “Old Man Logan,” and a trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse, I’d say Fox definitely flexed their muscles. Check out the poster below and the leaked trailer courtesy of AlphaNerd.co.
Leaked X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer
And the trailer you’ve been waiting for! Forgive the quality, it was discretely leaked and we will update once Fox decides to release it officially.
Did you notice that Apocalypse reveal? Many people are laughing about his appearance but what were they expecting? He’s a giant, blue mutant that is far superior to others. Of course he’s going to be a “bit” overboard.
Finally Hugh Jackman took the stage to announce that he would be playing Wolverine one last time. While this news was already known, it was his confirmation that the last film would be based upon Mark Millar’s “Old Man Logan” series that had fans cheering!
Deadpool Coverage
While many are excited for Bryan Singer’s next “X-Men” project, it is Deadpool that is a fan favorite. Fox is taking quite a risk with this film and demonstrated their gamble through the leaked trailer below. When it was announced that “Deadpool” was seeking an “R” rating, fans were ecstatic but studios were skeptical when it came to closing out certain age groups. This trailer proves that this film is definitely worthy of the “R” rating with the intense violence and harsh language. Sorry about the poor quality and portrait view, unfortunately that’s the cost of “leaked” trailers.