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Rumor: Green Lanterns cast Chris Pine and Tyrese

Rumor: Green Lanterns cast Chris Pine and Tyrese


Rumor has it that we’ll have both Chris Pine and Tyrese as “Green Lantern!”

UPDATE: This rumor is becoming closer to truth! Check out this Tyrese interview below!

It is “rumored” from a credible source that DC won’t just be having one actor cast as Green Lantern, it will in fact be two. According to Latino Review, there are plans for both John Stewart and Hal Jordan to be present concurrently in the DC cinematic universe. As far as casting goes, it looks like they have their eyes on Chris Pine to play Hal Jordan and Tyrese Gibson to play John Stewart.

Yeah. Stick with me here. It’s a rumor, though one I feel comfortable writing about, that there will be not one but two Green Lanterns when Warner Bros gets around to introducing him/them into the Justice League universe. One of them, the Green Lantern we’ve already seen onscreen is Hal Jordan. The other is the Green Lantern made popular by the animated JLA TV series, the black human Green Lantern Jon Stewart. Apparently, some story-world approved reason why they both exist will be explained, like having Stewart be the backup Lantern while Jordan’s on the JLA or having them be Lanterns from different sectors.

And on the casting of the roles…

Pine was rumored to be a candidate for Hal Jordan way back when we realized Ryan Reynolds would never float in a green suit again, and the rumors of Pine circling Wonder Woman were actually Pine closing in on the role of Hal Jordan.
I’d count Common out while also noting that Tyrese is part of the Fast and Furious franchise cast, which gives him heat in the “look at our star studded Justice League” category.

In reference to the casting, I am fine with Chris Pine as Hal Jordan but I admit that I am disappointed with the decision to cast Tyrese as John Stewart. While our other writer Glenn believes Tyrese should be Green Lantern, I think the majority of his more recent roles have been a bit too comical to play the serious and militant John Stewart. I knew that Idris Elba wasn’t a possibility due to his role as Heimdall in the MCU and now that Common has a role in Suicide Squad, he is out as well. While I know that Tyrese has some fan support, I still think that there could have been a better choice. He’s had more serious roles, such as his role in “Annapolis,” but I don’t want to see his comedic, jovial side carry over into Green Lantern like what was done with Ryan Reynolds.

Another issue I have is with there being multiple Green Lanterns. Sure there are multiple Lanterns across the galaxy but that power is bestowed upon individuals to protect a certain sector. There have been multiple humans to wear the Green Lantern ring but they were all successors of the previous with an occasional crossover/collaboration in the comic books to appease fans. I think that two Green Lanterns is one too many and goes against the “there can be only one” (sorry “Highlander”) rule. Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) had his chance and failed. Let John Stewart take a shot at the role or at least have Hal Jordan pass the torch. I personally don’t want things to get too crowded.

What do you think? Are these rumors true? Should there be two Green Lanterns?

About The Author


Ryan has been fascinated with film and pop culture since childhood. Throughout college he "played it safe" taking the more lucrative route of being a computer programmer while squeezing in film related courses where he could...but even during his post college career, he could never escape his true passion. After following one of his favorite blogs for a long time, he approached the site's Editor about writing and they reluctantly gave him a shot. He later became their Senior Writer which led to a variety of other projects, radio show appearances, features, and high profile celebrity interviews. Despite his success with blogging, he still wanted more so in order to expand his creative addiction, he merged his IT skills and blogging know-how to create which has continued to grow into a creative Mecca of pop-culture fun and integrity.    Film Fad

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