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Robert Downey Jr. Confirms ‘Iron Man 4’

The man in the iron suit was on “Ellen” discussing his film “The Judge” when she asked him about plans for an “Iron Man 4”.  He attempted to dodge the question by saying Marvel has a lot of different plans, they are in negotiations, and making puppet hands, but with a slight bit more prying from Ellen he finally says “Okay,yes.”

It is a quick clip open to a lot of interpretation, specifically that he does not confirm he will be starring in the film, but it is enough to keep us hoping.  Robert Downey Jr. has said in the past that he does not want to reprise the role, he was also interpreted to have said he would only do it if Mel Gibson directed it, and now he may be saying he will play Iron Man for us again.  Personally, I will cross my fingers but I am going to need a lot harder evidence before I dust off my undersized children’s light-up Iron Man helmet to wear to the theater.

Do you think this is enough to confirm an Iron Man 4?


Mike: Mike has spent nearly all his life amassing education, degrees, and most of all overwhelming student debt. And none of it has had to do with film. Minus one film class in college, the only experience he has with film is personal exposure due to sheer enjoyment and entertainment. He writes for FilmFad.com partly because of this interest in film, but mostly because he is so narcissistic that he gains great joy from hearing his own opinions. Now that his family and close friends are tired of hearing his opinions he desires to venture out to exhaust new venues with his overly-analytic and trite commentary. Hopefully he finds some success in such blogging, if not, the orderlies will have a lot of writing to clean off of these padded walls.
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