Rising Hollywood Stars in ‘About Alex’

'About Alex' Poster- www.filmfad.com

'About Alex' Poster- www.filmfad.com'About Alex' Poster- www.filmfad.com

I am not 100% sure how this did not show up on my radar, but I am glad it finally did.  ‘About Alex’ is a about a group of college friends who reunite with the title character, Alex, slitting his wrists sometime prior to the reunion.

Sounds like a bit of a downer, at least that is what I thought when I first read the synopsis of the film. Looking into the background and cast list a little further, I was pleasantly surprised to see a plethora of young talent just waiting to break out in Hollywood.  Max Greenfield and Aubrey Plaza immediate caught my eye as they are typically known for their comedic talents on their sitcoms ‘New Girl’ and ‘Parks and Rec’ respectively.

As I read through the cast list, names like Jason Ritter (who play Alex and recently had a recurring role on the always underrated ‘Parenthood’), Max Minghella (‘The Social Network) and Maggie Grace (‘Taken’ and ‘Taken 2’) gave me a sense of curiosity and excitement to see how the cast interacts with one another and how the movie plays out.

Based on the trailer below, the film is quite intriguing and I will be checking this movie out very soon. ‘About Alex’ is currently screening in a limited run at theaters and is also available through various video-on-demand services.

Davy: Davy 'The Dragon' Moorhead is a lover of many things: his family, beer, March Madness, Old Dominion University sports and television/movies. In fact his favorite memory is watching the best film of all-time, "The Dark Knight" on TV in the hospital with his daughter the day after she was born (get them started early!). In fact, film and TV shows have had a major influence on his life beginning with "Doogie Howser M.D." and "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" and more recently with "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and "The Walking Dead". He leaves no genre aside in search of the next best thing. Though his choices may not be viewed favorably by everyone (he still thinks "50 First Dates" is a top 10 movie of all time), he stands be his convictions.
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