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New [LEAKED FOOTAGE] ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’


“Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die.” – Captain America

It all started when DC announced their ten upcoming superhero films to be released by 2020. Well if it was meant to get Marvel’s attention, it did just that. In the past week we have seen a tremendously exciting amount of information, both leaked and officially released, from the Marvel Studios camp. Well guess what… IT GETS BETER!


Watch LEAKED FOOTAGE of “Avengers: Age of Ultron here.”

This leaked footage does so many things in terms of improvements to the tone and scripting of the Joss Whedon led “Avengers” follow up. First and foremost, you have to give it up to RDJ and Chris Evans for their highly-capable acting chops. They are perhaps two of the more dynamic cast members, the third in my mind being Mark Ruffalo, in terms of portraying a range of emotions. In the leaked footage, we see the budding differences in leadership methodology that will ultimately lead the Avengers team into their most fatal crisis yet. Speaking more on tone, I feel that given his campier roots with “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog,” Joss Whedon has truly evolved into a capable creator bringing to market a more adult oriented project. It is hard for every comic fan to ride the fine line of what’s campy and what’s not when adapting the colorful pages of our most cherished comic books for the big screen.


Even as a diehard DC fan, I have to say that this recent barrage of superhero movie news makes me want to put on my red white and blue and scream “Charging Star!” It is hard to deny the growing fanboy excitement with what proves to be the beginning of the Civil War event and ultimately segueing into the Infinity Wars with Josh Brolin’s cruel-purposed purple space deity, Thanos.


What do you think about the upcoming “Avengers: Age of Ultron?” Let us know in the comments below.


Pooya: Since his wee lad-dom, Pooya has been a sommelier of cinema. It was likely some acting bug, fallen from the dust riddled ruby curtains of an enchanted old stage that did it. Those cinematic scarabs must have burrowed deep into his brain, irreversibly altering his mind, turning the poor boy down a dismal path. From his earliest years the strange boy would aimlessly wander the aisles of countless video rental stores, amassing his trivial knowledge with vigor. These actions befuddled the boy’s parents, who still would lovingly oblige his unusual attraction to the motion picture. Often seeking refuge in the cushioned seating of his local movie theater, the odd adolescent would immerse himself in the scripted and effects riddled realities unfolding on the screen before him. During his collegiate years, he was twice spotted on stage performing bizarre theatrical rituals before awe-struck audiences. When he departed from academia, he left behind his youth in exchange for a labor routine, but the strange young man never lost his long-cultivated love of film. Recently, Pooya was approached by to join their budding team of entertainment bloggers. After hours of coaxing and an undisclosed number of honey jars, he accepted their offer. Finally he had come full circle. Finally, at, he was home.
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