Lena Heady’s Top 5 Most Badass Roles

She’s bold, she’s beautiful, she’s one grade-A badass… she’s Lena Heady and we’re in LOVE!
Does our culture have a need for violence? I don’t know. I guess it’s a personal thing. – Lena Heady
Ever since being scouted at the green age 17 (and who wouldn’t scout HER… ahem… a year later when she’s 18), Heady has had the fortune of finding steady work as an actress. Although initially only finding small and supporting roles in an assortment of films throughout the 1990s, Heady blossomed in the 2000’s with quite a few head turning lead performances in big-budget films such as the epic graphic novel turned action film “300” (2007). It is apparent that Heady is no stranger to the strong and gutsy female on-screen persona, with a slew of tough as nail leading ladies in her repertoire.
So, FilmFad.com would like to appreciate the lovely Lena’s most butt-kicking on-screen moments and list off Lena Heady’s Top 5 Most Badass Roles!
5. Sarah Connor in “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” (TV Series)
The Mother of All Destiny
Sarah Connor, mother of the savior of mankind from the ruthlessly synthetic SkyNet army, is unequivocally a top tier badass. Heady’s rendition of the militant on-screen mom will live on as one of the most notable Sarah Connor performances. The mid-season release 9 episode run, which aired on Fox in 2008, was the highest-rated new scripted series of 2007–08, giving it the green light for a second season. However, despite a growing fan following, Fox decided to axe the series… perhaps in part due to the box-office abomination that was Christian Bale’s “Terminator Salvation” earlier that year.
Side-note: Both Lena Heady and Emilia Clarke of “Game of Thrones” have played Sarah Connor within the Terminator universe, “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” and “Terminator Genisys” respectively.
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