Jason Statham On Marvel Films: “Any guy can do it.”

Jason Statham thinks anyone can be a Marvel superhero!
While there is much speculation as to whether or not Jason Statham will play the role of Daredevil’s Bullseye, he has his own perspective on Marvel superheroes. According to Statham in a recent interview with an Italian media outlet, “any guy can do it” when it comes to being a superhero action star.
Any guy can do it. I mean, I could take my grandma and put her in a cape and then put her in a green screen, and they’ll have stunt doubles come in and do all the action. Anybody can do it. They’re relying on stunt doubles and green screen and $200 million budget. It’s all CGI created.
Now let’s not take this out of context. It’s obvious that Jason Statham is referring more to the CGI aspect of superhero cinema. When it comes to CGI, it’s obvious that “any guy” could actually do it because the motion capture individual we see on the screen is mostly computer generated. As far as all of the real action sequences go, I have to say that I respect Jason Statham’s statement on that as well. For once, he’s crediting the stuntmen behind the scenes rather than the face actors that get all the credit. If you look at any of the behind the scenes photos circulating right now for Captain America: Civil War, you will see that the photos of those in action are stuntmen not Chris Evans.
So when Jason Statham says that many comic book films rely on stunt doubles and green screen effects, he’s stating a fact. Without those elements, films like Avengers: Age of Ultron would not happen. While many may take Statham’s statements as discouraging towards superhero franchises, I think his statement is one of the most factual yet bold statements that I’ve heard from an actor. I still love those films but what I’m hearing from Jason Statham is, “Don’t forget the little guys!”