Hulk Hogan may be the villain in Expendables 4

Hulk Hogan may be the next “Expendables” villain!
“The Expendables 4” may have found their next villain and it’s none other than the icon of professional wrestling, Hulk Hogan! According to ComicBook.com Hogan recently spoke at the Body Pro Expo in England about a discussion he had with Sylvester Stallone and Hogan’s inclusion in the next Expendables film as the lead villain.
“Was talking on the phone with Sly [Stallone] about doing The Expendables 4. We’re trying to figure out a way to maybe turn me into the most evil man in the world. Y’know, Stallone gave me my first break and he’s been a great friend. We had a great conversation, talking about the possibilities. Can I still run, can I still jump? Well, not as fast or not as high, but I think Hollywood could find a good stunt man to help me out.”
Hulk Hogan is no stranger to action films. After his great surge in the WWF (now WWE) as a wrestler, he went on to do many films and literally flexed his muscle as an action star. Films like “Mr. Nanny” and “Suburban Commando” were a success among children and then he attempted to transition into more adult action with the TV series “Thunder in Paradise” and the film “The Ultimate Weapon.”
If Hulk Hogan were to be cast in “The Expendables 4,” it wouldn’t be the first time that he and Stallone have collaborated. For the “Rocky” fans out there, many of you should be familiar with Hogan’s role as Thunderlips in “Rocky III” where he and Stallone went toe to toe in the ring. If he and Sylvester Stallone are to square off again, I think that many fans would be pleased to see a hand-to-hand battle between the two paying tribute to that iconic “Rocky III” battle. Maybe we’ll even get the Hulkster to land an atomic leg drop on Stallone!