“Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens” and “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope” share many similarities.
“The Force Awakens” is breaking records and receiving massive critical acclaim. But while audiences are loving this film (myself included) many “Star Wars” fans are pointing out redundancies that have occurred in other films in the franchise. While I loved “The Force Awakens,” let me take you through some of the apparent similarities that exist between the first “Star Wars” film and the latest.
Rey is Luke Skywalker

Rey is Luke Skywalker
While Luke is stranded on Tatooine and Rey is on Jakku, they both share the isolated setting of a desert planet. They also both share the inherit feeling to be something greater. In an instant their lives are changed as they embark on a journey which involves a droid that comes to the planet and is the source for this journey that leads them to the discovery of their own force sensitivity.
After the films end we’re left intrigued by both Luke and Rey when it comes to their background. We don’t know why they have such a strong connection to the force and we don’t know much about their origins. The mystery of Luke’s past is later answered but with Rey we’re still waiting on that answer.
Rey is Princess Leia (briefly)
Rey is Princess Leia
In the second half of the film Rey is taken by Kylo Ren. Finn runs after Kylo Ren’s ship as it takes off only to watch it fly away leaving him hopeless. This puts Rey in a situation where she is the victim of abduction and a group aboard the Millennium Falcon set forth on a rescue mission (and other objectives).
When I say Rey briefly shares similarities with Princess Leia, it’s because she does much of the “rescuing” on her own. She’s much stronger than Leia was in “A New Hope” (despite Leia being able to hold her own with a blaster). She’s able to hold her own against Kylo Ren and even manages to escape by herself at the surprise of Finn. Outside of being the source of a rescue mission and being interrogated, there are few other traits that link Rey and Leia together.
Han Solo is Obi-Wan
Han Solo from Force Awakens is Obi Wan from A New Hope
This sounds strange to have Han Solo acting as Obi-Wan, but it definitely fits. This older version of Han Solo acts as a mentor in this film and even an educator when it comes to the history of the force. The questionable “fables” that Rey and Finn speak of are all confirmed by Han Solo.
While aspects of Han Solo are still present, he is a guiding force throughout this film for both Finn and Rey. When he is finally reunited with General Leia, he is asked to bring back their son who happens to be Kylo Ren (and the Darth Vader of this film). In a similar fashion of Obi-Wan facing Vader in “A New Hope,” Han Solo faces Kylo Ren. While things seem to be pretty balanced in the confrontation between Kylo Ren and Han Solo at first, the pivotal moment happens when Rey and Finn arrive. When Han Solo is killed at the hands of Kylo Ren, the emotional response from Rey is much like Luke when Obi-Wan dies at the hands of Vader.
Han Solo will most likely remain a point of vindication for the upcoming films much like Obi-Wan was as Luke set forth on his journey after “A New Hope.”
Click to the NEXT PAGE for the next 3 comparisons!
BB-8 is R2-D2
BB-8 is R2-D2
BB-8 is the source of the mission after being given data which is vital to the resistance. Like R2-D2 stranded on a desert planet, BB-8 remained vigilant about the mission to get that data to the resistance. BB-8 is tiny but feisty just like R2-D2, ready to defend when provoked.
While they may have a different appearance, they both have similar personalities and were given the task of being the source of the turning point for both “A New Hope” and “The Force Awakens.”
Kylo Ren is Darth Vader
Kylo Ren is Darth Vader
This is pretty obvious but Kylo Ren definitely filled the role of Darth Vader in “The Force Awakens.” Even Kylo Ren himself states that he is following in the footsteps of his grandfather aka Darth Vader. His attire and path are all like a tribute to Darth Vader which makes the similarities between the two more than apparent.
His allegiance to Supreme Leader Snoke is like Darth Vader’s allegiance to the Emperor. When he faced Han Solo it was much like Obi-Wan and Vader’s encounter where it was a pivotal conversation that ended in tragedy.
When it comes to the comparison between Darth Vader and Kylo Ren, it’s obvious. “The Force Awakens” establishes the connection between the two and the comparisons are endless.
Supreme Leader Snoke is Emperor Palpatine
Supreme Leader Snoke is Emperor Palpatine
Much like Kylo Ren being compared to Darth Vader, the comparisons between Supreme Leader Snoke and Emperor Palpatine from “A New Hope” are very much apparent. He’s a mysterious figure that Kylo Ren has brief encounters with and remains loyal to Snoke’s word.
Much like Palpatine in “A New Hope” a shroud of mystery surrounds Snoke. We never see him physically, it’s just a holographic form that speaks with General Hux and Kylo Ren.
He clearly plays the role of the Emperor with his role of leadership, his dark persona, and the mystery that surrounds him.
Click to the NEXT PAGE for the final 3 comparisons and plot similarities!
General Hux is Grand Moff Tarkin
General Hux is Grand Moff Tarkin
General Hux and Grand Moff Tarkin hold roles of leadership while Kylo Ren and Darth Vader hold more of a role of commanding enforcer. It’s interesting in both cases how Hux and Tarkin can order around these two dark lords but their roles of leadership somehow supersede the power of the dark side.
The shared role of leadership and courage to order around dark lords are what make these two so similar. The Empire isn’t what it was in “A New Hope” but General Hux is definitely taking on the role of Grand Moff Tarkin from the first film. He’s in charge of their weapon (Planet Starkiller), in charge of the dark lord Kylo Ren, and shares the formidable stature that Tarkin carried with him as well.
Poe Dameron is Han Solo
Poe Dameron is Han Solo
The comparison between Han Solo and Poe Dameron is debatable based on character traits but their roles do share the similarities that make them alike. The difference lies in Dameron’s strong allegiance to the resistance whereas Solo held true to his name remaining an undisputed loner for the most part.
That’s not to say that Poe isn’t a loner himself. He takes risks and is an outlier among other resistance members when it comes to his more brash approach to getting things done. He solely took on the mission to acquire the map to Luke and seems to be taking it upon himself to get things done.
The moments that make him comparable to Han Solo are his sarcastic, fearless attitude when interacting with people, even when he’s in danger. Even when he’s brutally interrogated by Kylo Ren himself, he’s still cracking jokes and refusing to give in.
His interaction with Finn is much like Han’s responses to Luke when flying the TIE Fighter and Finn’s shooting. Think to when Luke is manning the guns on the Millennium Falcon and Han is being short with Luke in his responses. Not because he’s necessarily trying to be rude, but he’s a character that likes to cut the small talk and focus.
Ultimately this trilogy is going to need its suave, rebellious, and charismatic hero and that is going to be Poe.
Finn is a Little Bit of Everyone
Finn is a bit of everyone
Out of everyone, Finn is probably the most unique character in “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.” There isn’t one particular character that Finn relates to but he does embody a blend of characters from “A New Hope.” The surprise rescue of Finn by him as a Stormtrooper slightly resembles Luke. Another aspect that relates him to Luke is his excitement when manning the guns and taking out enemies. It very much resembles the Han Solo and Luke interaction when Luke and Han are shooting down TIE fighters on the Millenium Falcon.
His reluctance to join the resistance due to selfish preservation is also an aspect of Han Solo from “A New Hope.” His sole reason for joining them is due to a developing love interest (Rey) much like Han Solo with Princess Leia. The fact that he is the only other non force user (as far as we know) hero to hold a lightsaber is also a minor shared trait with Solo.
Finn was presented as a mystery in the trailers and assumptions that he was a Jedi were wrong. His story of being taken from his family and guilt of being a Stormtrooper is one of the most intriguing mysteries of the film that will most likely carry on into the future sequels.
Blending the Plot of “Force Awakens” and “A New Hope” together
The characters of “The Force Awakens” share their similarities but the plot that ties them together is really what mirrors “A New Hope.” Starting from the beginning we find the resistance (Poe) acquiring data vital to their cause. Just like in “A New Hope” the Empire (the First Order) sweeps in to steal the data. The data is then entrusted to a droid BB-8 (R2-D2 in “A New Hope”) that travels across a desert planet. The droid finds a person seeking something more in their life (Luke/Rey) who turns out to be a force-strong hero.
Starkiller Base aka Death Star XL
Once the droid’s mission is discovered the group seeks out a ship to get off the planet. In both “A New Hope” and “The Force Awakens” this ship turns out to be the Millennium Falcon. As they venture forth to give this data to the resistance, an older hero (Obi-Wan/Han Solo) guides them on their journey.
The First Order (Empire) is seeking this data and also have developed a weapon (Starkiller/Death Star) that is capable of destroying planets/systems. They demonstrate the capabilities of this weapon by destroying a planet and express their intentions to use this weapon to destroy the base of the resistance (rebel alliance). The dark lord (Kylo Ren/Darth Vader) confers with a higher power (Snoke/Palpatine) and there is a mention of someone from their past (Obi-Wan/Han Solo).
The resistance discovers this powerful weapon and devises a plan to destroy it. On a side mission, an older hero (Han Solo/Obi-Wan) must encounter this dark lord (Kylo Ren/Darth Vader). When they face, the older hero (Han Solo/Obi-Wan) is killed at the hands of the dark lord (Kylo Ren/Darth Vader) in an isolated setting aboard the weapon (Starkiller/Death Star). As the hero is struck down, the film’s new hero (Rey/Luke) cries out as their mentor is lost at the hands of evil.
Many familiar scenes…
The final run to destroy the weapon (Starkiller/Death Star) comes at the hands of one individual (Poe/Luke) who is flying an X-Wing. This pilot is able to destroy the entire weapon (Starkiller/Death Star) in their single-manned fighter and the resistance/rebellion narrowly escape as a massive explosion occurs.
The plot of these two films may share a fair amount of similarities but that in no way defines either as a copy. “The Force Awakens” was a film for modern day fans in “Star Wars” fashion and it delivered on many levels. It gave die hard “Star Wars” fans that sense of nostalgia they longed for and introduced new fans to how a “Star Wars” film should be made.