First Look at Feig’s ‘Ghostbusters’ Uniforms

Paul Feig’s recent tweet teases fans with a first glimpse of the spectre-busting garb for the upcoming “Ghostbusters” reboot.
I ain’t afraid of no ghost.
With only 13 months until Paul Feig’s highly-anticipated female led reboot of the classic specter ensnaring film, actual set details are starting to trickle onto the inter webs. More Specifically. Paul Feig recently tweeted a human-devoid snapshot of the updated ghost busting garb. Although sans the femme stars, the pic does highlight tidy little name tags listing off the actors who will be assuming the sienna-tinged cover-alls.
With that said, there is no longer ANY question that these outfits will be donned by Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones. In comparison to the original ghost busting garments, these clothes are pretty much the same as those seen in the original “Ghostbusters” with the addition of some Hot-Pumpkin racing stripes.
There is only one part of the outfit that is missing. Did you see it? No? Well, I’m talking about the signature proton packs. When the original film was released this iconically bulky piece of equipment was a symbol of the times more archaic technology. Today, in an era of Apple Watches and Phablets, what will become of the traditionally bulky proton pack and will it be replaced with a more modern, and therefore streamlined, piece of ghost grabbing tech?
According to an interview with ComingSoon.net earlier this year, Feig had this to say.
Also, how do they develop their technology ? It’s not as fun if they’re just handed their proton packs. It’s why it’s not as fun to do a sequel. The fun is getting there.”
Feig’s “Ghostbusters,” starring Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, and Chris Hemsworth, is currently filming in New York City and Boston and is set to hit theaters on July 22, 2016.
What do you think about the updated “Ghostbuster” uniforms? Are they paying homage to the past or are they a cheap imitation? We want to know, so tell us in the comment section below.