FadCast Ep. 78 | Academy Award Winners & Losers ft. Eric

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Warning there is explicit language.
Episode Summary:
Today the FadCast talks about the winners and losers at the Oscars as Film Fad’s very own writer Eric joins us. We also briefly talk about Finn Jones being cast as Iron Fist and if it’s a racist move.
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Episode Breakdown:
Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast episode 78.
Ryan: With special guest, Film Fad’s very own writer Eric!
Pooya: Today we’ll talk about the 2016 Academy Awards.
Ryan: And give our picks of who we think should have won, nomination snubs, and who we think shouldn’t have made the list.
Pooya: That’s right! You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started!
(Intro Music break)
Current Events – Is Iron Fist casting racist? (~6min)
“American Beauty” reenactment with Eric (~11min)
Oscar winners and losers and our picks (~23min)
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