FadCast Ep. 48 | Why Fans Are Usually Wrong in Superhero Casting

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Warning there is explicit language.
Episode Summary:
The discussion on this episode of the FadCast is all about the film fads and fan hatred when it comes to casting some of their favorite iconic characters. With the consistent hatred of Ben Affleck being cast as Batman in “Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice,” we address many other iconic casting decisions where the fans said no at first but ate their words after they saw the respective film in question. Film Fad Writer Mike joins us to discuss these topics as well and to participate in a quiz from Pooya about casting choices that almost happened. We also give a quick rundown of our recent visit to the Wizard World convention and highlight the pros and cons of the event.
Episode Breakdown:
POOYA: You are listening to FilmFad.Com’s FadCast Episode 48.
RYAN: With special guest, recent masticator of petite fried meats, Mike.
POOYA: Today we’ll talk about cinematic “fanemys” as we discuss hated superhero picks turned cinematic favorites.
RYAN: Then prepare to bog noggins as Mike and I face off for Pooya’s “Coulda Shoulda Woulda” quiz
POOYA: You’ll hear all that and more, So let’s get started.
(Intro Music break)
Wizard World recap Speed Round (~5min)
The Fads of Casting Hatred and How They’re Usually wrong (~18min)
Pooya’s “Coulda Shoulda Woulda” quiz between Ryan and Mike (~10min)