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Disney’s 2015 Movie Slate Excitement Gauge

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Disney’s Upcoming Movie Slate for 2015

  • Cinderella 3-13-15
  • Avengers Age of Ultron 5-1-15
  • Tomorrowland 5-22-15
  • Inside Out 6-19-15
  • Ant-Man 7-17-15
  • Jungle Book 10-9-15
  • The Good Dinosaur 11-25-15
  • Star Wars 12-18-15

So Variety Editor Marc Graser tweeted out a picture of Disney’s upcoming film slate. While we won’t get too far ahead of ourselves with the 2016 films lets take a look at the 2015 motion pictures. Here they are complete with my anticipation factor.

Disney’s Cinderella – 3/13/15

Mildly Excited


Cinderella – March 13, 2015

A live action remake of the Disney classic. I am always interested to see how these films adapt to the big screen. This being one of Disney’s most recognizable and famous properties you can bet it will be handled with care. Kenneth Branagh has been tabbed to direct and Lily James of “Downton Abbey” fame is slated to fill the iconic glass slippers.

Avengers Age of Ultron – 5/1/15

Sorry I just fainted, what were we talking about, yeah just fainted again, Excited

Avengers: Age of Ultron – May 1, 2015

If you know anything about the Fad (my nickname, the guys hate it) you know that THIS IS THE MOVIE WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR. This is a tentpole movie for Disney, and Marvel for that matter. You can be assured there will be a huge marketing blitz and if early footage is any indication it will be as glorious as we have expected.

Tomorrowland 5/22/15

Super Excited

Tomorrowland – May 22, 2015

I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen my idol Mr. Clooney. While I don’t know much about Brad Bird’s latest effort, I do know that Clooney means I will be firmly planted in the seat opening night. Described as a mystery adventure and penned by Bird along with Damon Lindelof (with additional story by credit going to Jeff Jensen), this has all the makings of an instant classic. Okay that may be a hyperbole but… we are talking Clooney here.

Inside Out 6-19-15

Surprisingly Excited

Inside Out – June 19, 2015

Diane Lane, Amy Poehler, Bill Hader and Mindy Kaling take us into the mind and emotions of a teenage girl. For some reason I feel like I should be running far away from this but the team behind the project makes me pretty excited to see this film. Hopefully it won’t be all Katy Perry, glitter and pink (the color, not the artist. P!nk is awesome). This should be a fun, plus it’s a Pixar film so you know it will bring the heart. I love Pixar movies.

Ant-Man 7-17-15

Uninformedly Excited

Ant-Man – July 17, 2015

Marvel’s second film of the year is hyped to be a bridge from the other Phase two films to the Phase 3 slate. I am not that familiar with Ant-Man, yet, but by time the opening sequence rolls I am sure I will be all caught up with Mr. Pym. Although from Marvel’s newly released artwork my research may be in vain. Well be that as it may I will still be front and center when Ant-Man hops on the scene. I think ants hop, right?

Jungle Book 10/9/15

Mildly Excited

Jungle Book – October 9, 2015

“The Jungle Book” will get a reboot with Jon Favreau taking the reins. The first film was a little less true to the source material than I would have liked. Hopefully Favreau will be able to bring this classic to life AND stay true to Rudyard Kipling’s vision. Neel Sethi is set to play Mowgli. I love the music from the animated film, I wonder what the new live action reboot will have to offer that can replace that awesomeness.

The Good Dinosaur 11-25-15

Ehhh… Excited I guess

The Good Dinosaur – November 25, 2015

Pixar’s second film of the year is “The Good Dinosaur.” This is a 3D animated film but as I have said Pixar does story well. I expect this to be no different. For some reason I am kind of sleeping on this film. Maybe because there is only so much excitement one man can have before he becomes a neurotic spazzball. That or I am just not into dinosaurs and cavemen… I think those Geico commercials killed it for me.

Star Wars 12-18-15

Christmas Eve at 11:55 Excited

Star Wars: The Force Awakens – December 18, 2015

To end the year Disney is going big. The biggest actually!!! “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” hits theaters December 18th and with it a ton of anticipation and angst. The last trilogy was really a disappointment and widely panned for a variety of reasons. With JJ Abrams manning The Force Awakens, I can’t help but think it will live up to expectations. Hopefully he can rekindle the magic he sprinkled on the Star Trek franchise reboot. If that happens Christmas will come early to geeks and nerds unlike. We will be united in our joyous praise and Abrams will finally be forgiven for “Cloverfield.”

So what Fad Fans, what films do you want to see from Disney’s menu here? Will JJ Abrams ever be forgiven for Cloverfield?

Glenn: Never one for hyperbole, Glenn has seen all movies that have ever been made or will be made. This power bestowed upon him by the ancient sentient being "The Viewer" Glenn has used this power to voice his opinion to any and all that would listen. Every Superhero ends up on a team and Glenn has found his in FilmFad. Together world domination seemed imminent however after a change of heart Glenn found himself unable to use his power to critique. After being bested by FilmFad head Ryan in a homemade game of Fear Factor, Glenn agreed to join the team again on the promise that any dissenting commenters would have to battle him to the death... To date all responses have been positive. Honestly Glenn, is a guy that has watched a lot of Cinema as well as TV. He has studied screen writing and directed a few short films. Stepping into the world of online blogging is fun and offers an entirely new exciting platform to share his unique views on Film and TV.
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