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“Daredevil” Streaming Dates for Netflix Released by Marvel

Daredeveil Netflix poster

Daredeveil Netflix posterDaredeveil Netflix poster

Ten days before the widely celebrated April 20th, Netflix will give us another great day to celebrate…

Marvel’s release date for the “Daredevil” series is April 10th.  All 13 episodes from the first season will be available at once.  “Boardwalk Empire’s” Charlie Cox will star as Frank Miller’s version of our ‘Man Without Fear.’  

As much as I adore both Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, I am still trying to forget Daredevil’s last on-screen outing.  The series now only not has to taste good but will have to be good enough to cleanse bad taste from our palate. Judging so far from the cast and crew as well as the quality of other Netflix originals I have watched I am confident it will happen.

Mike: Mike has spent nearly all his life amassing education, degrees, and most of all overwhelming student debt. And none of it has had to do with film. Minus one film class in college, the only experience he has with film is personal exposure due to sheer enjoyment and entertainment. He writes for partly because of this interest in film, but mostly because he is so narcissistic that he gains great joy from hearing his own opinions. Now that his family and close friends are tired of hearing his opinions he desires to venture out to exhaust new venues with his overly-analytic and trite commentary. Hopefully he finds some success in such blogging, if not, the orderlies will have a lot of writing to clean off of these padded walls.
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