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Comic Book Men are as real as their reality show

<em>Comic Book Men</em> are as real as their reality show

Comic Book Men AMC

I had the chance to interview AMC’s “Comic Book Men” at Wizard World in Richmond, VA and spoke with them about the reality behind their reality show.

Everyone has that reality show that you can’t get enough of. For some it may be the wretched and vile epitome of evil like “Keeping up with the Kardashians” and for others it may be a show that caters to their own personal passions. For me, that show is AMC’s “Comic Book Men.” I’ve been collecting comics since my Dad shared some of his silver age gems with me as a kid, so of course a show that deals with the same connection I shared with my Dad growing up is going to invoke an emotional connection and is the reason why I stay up past midnight every Sunday when the show is in season.

When speaking with the men behind the show, I fed my own curiosity regarding what goes on behind the scenes. I felt the incessant urge to discover if they had sacrificed the integrity of the shop in order to cater to a more TV driven audience. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at their response and how these men are the same fun-loving group of guys in person as they are on TV.

Film Fad:

As far as your shop goes…since the show came about, what has changed? Do you feel like you’re still a true comic book shop or do you feel like things have become more fan-driven where you’re seeing a lot of people just noticing you for the show?


No, we’re still a comic shop first and foremost, that has never changed. Walt Flanagan and I still run the register…


Yeah every Tuesday/Wednesday boxes come in and these guys are cataloging, making orders, all that stuff…that will never change. That’ll always be the priority.

Film Fad

Only reason I ask is because I’ve been in a few shops where they’ve become reality shows and then it turns into a gift shop…


I have no idea what you’re talking about…*cough* PAWN STARS *cough*…sorry, oh man I’m allergic to something…

Film Fad



I’ve tried man, I’ve tried to peddle my own crap and I’m not that good at it.


The Stash was already a gift shop before the show even started…


That’s a good point, it was half Kevin Smith gift shop.


Well we kinda like to downplay that but that’s besides the point.

Speaking with the men of “Comic Book Men” was probably the most fun interview I had at Wizard World because I actually got to speak with them about a subject I thoroughly enjoyed…comics. They proved to me through their unfiltered personalities and honest responses that out of all of the reality crap out there, these guys are genuine fans that have a genuine show. They even had me prove myself as a comic book fan which I partially failed when asked a question regarding Mister Terrific but redeemed myself with a question about the Fantastic Four.

When I asked about the influence of fame on their shop, they hit the nail on the head with their response and also citing “Pawn Stars” as an example of shops that have changed their merchandise due to fame (which is exactly what I was hinting at). Although they’ve sell some Kevin Smith merchandise (which counts as comic book worthy in my opinion), they have not changed from who they were before the show.

Comic Book Men AMC

Comic Book Men premieres October 12, 2014 on AMC

For the full interview listen below where you can also hear Mike, Ming, and Bryan’s choices for their favorite comic book film to date as well as a hint at future guests to appear. And also be sure to tune in October 12 at midnight on AMC for the season premiere of their show!

About The Author


Ryan has been fascinated with film and pop culture since childhood. Throughout college he "played it safe" taking the more lucrative route of being a computer programmer while squeezing in film related courses where he could...but even during his post college career, he could never escape his true passion. After following one of his favorite blogs for a long time, he approached the site's Editor about writing and they reluctantly gave him a shot. He later became their Senior Writer which led to a variety of other projects, radio show appearances, features, and high profile celebrity interviews. Despite his success with blogging, he still wanted more so in order to expand his creative addiction, he merged his IT skills and blogging know-how to create which has continued to grow into a creative Mecca of pop-culture fun and integrity.   [email protected]    Film Fad

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