Check Out Ridley Scott’s Full-Length Trailer For “Exodus: Gods and Kings”

Check Out Ridley Scott’s Full-Length Trailer For “Exodus: Gods and Kings”

Exodus_Gods and KingsExodus_Gods and Kings

The first full-length trailer for Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings has been released.

The first full-length trailer for Ridley Scott’s “Exodus: Gods and Kings” has been released.  The trailer is to the point and holds nothing back about Scott’s planned adaptation of Moses’ story.  As we have come to expect from Scott, the film appears, from the trailer, to rely mostly on action and visual effects to draw in viewers. Watch the trailer below and tell us your thoughts!


Scott has been nominated for an Oscar for Best Director three times for “Thelma and Louise,” “Gladiator,” and “Black Hawk Down,” but a win still eludes him.  His trend for the past decade has led him to direct many movies that are very good but not quite Oscar worthy, and it looks as if “Exodus” will have him continuing in a similar fashion.  The film certainly appears entertaining and is studded with top-notch stars, including Christian Bale, Ben Kingsley, Aaron Paul, and Sigourney Weaver, but overcoming the biblical theme has historically been difficult for many movies.  The film will certainly exclude movie-goers simply due to its controversial nature, but I have faith that regardless of the challenges Scott faces, he will deliver the most thrilling version of a biblical story we have seen yet.

Mike: Mike has spent nearly all his life amassing education, degrees, and most of all overwhelming student debt. And none of it has had to do with film. Minus one film class in college, the only experience he has with film is personal exposure due to sheer enjoyment and entertainment. He writes for partly because of this interest in film, but mostly because he is so narcissistic that he gains great joy from hearing his own opinions. Now that his family and close friends are tired of hearing his opinions he desires to venture out to exhaust new venues with his overly-analytic and trite commentary. Hopefully he finds some success in such blogging, if not, the orderlies will have a lot of writing to clean off of these padded walls.
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