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BBC’s ‘War and Peace’ Blu-Ray Drops May To Critical Acclaim



‘War and Peace’ heads to Blu-Ray May 10th and some critics are calling it the most engaging small-screen projects since ‘Game of Thrones’

One of the most ambitious TV projects since ‘Game of Thrones.’ – New York Post

‘War and Peace,’ the critically acclaimed BBC miniseries starring Paul Dano (Little Miss Sunshine, Looper), Lily James (“Downton Abbey,” ‘Cinderella’), James Norton (‘Rush,’ ‘Belle’), Gillian Anderson (“The X-Files,” “The Fall”) and Brian Cox (‘Troy’, ‘The Slap’) heads to Blu-Ray on May 10th. BBC’s ‘War & Peace’ is presented by The Weinstein Company and Anchor Bay Entertainment, directed by Tom Harper (‘Misfits,’ ‘The Woman in Black 2’), and adapted by Andrew Davies (‘Bridget Jones’s Diary,’ “House of Cards”).

‘War and Peace’ is a eight-episode mini-series that recounts the classical tale famously penned by Leo Tolstoy. The year is 1805, where we meet Pierre (Paul Dano), Natasha (Lily James), and Andrei (James Norton), all part of St Petersburg’s social elite, but are vexed by their youthful impetuousness and quest for self-discovery. The real story, however, begins as the Russian conflict with Napoleon reaches a fever-pitch, five aristocratic families come to terms with the potential for their lives to be changed forever. While the series is riding on some serious critical acclaim, claiming that this series is on par with ‘Game of Thrones’ are big words that need to be heavily backed.

war and peace - bbc - blu ray - filmfadwar and peace - bbc - blu ray - filmfadBBC’s “War & Peace” eight-part mini-series will be available on Blu-ray and DVD beginning May 10, 2016 for the suggested retail price of $49.99 and $39.99 respectively. This complete edition will showcase all eight episodes of the miniseries, loaded with bonus content including: From Page to Screen, The Read Through, Making the Music, Count Rostov’s Dance, Rundale Palace and What is “War & Peace?”

Have you seen BBC’s ‘War and Peace’ mini-series? Do you love it? Are you excited for the complete Blu-Ray or DVD to adorn your media shelf? We want to know, so tell us in the comment section below.

Pooya: Since his wee lad-dom, Pooya has been a sommelier of cinema. It was likely some acting bug, fallen from the dust riddled ruby curtains of an enchanted old stage that did it. Those cinematic scarabs must have burrowed deep into his brain, irreversibly altering his mind, turning the poor boy down a dismal path. From his earliest years the strange boy would aimlessly wander the aisles of countless video rental stores, amassing his trivial knowledge with vigor. These actions befuddled the boy’s parents, who still would lovingly oblige his unusual attraction to the motion picture. Often seeking refuge in the cushioned seating of his local movie theater, the odd adolescent would immerse himself in the scripted and effects riddled realities unfolding on the screen before him. During his collegiate years, he was twice spotted on stage performing bizarre theatrical rituals before awe-struck audiences. When he departed from academia, he left behind his youth in exchange for a labor routine, but the strange young man never lost his long-cultivated love of film. Recently, Pooya was approached by to join their budding team of entertainment bloggers. After hours of coaxing and an undisclosed number of honey jars, he accepted their offer. Finally he had come full circle. Finally, at, he was home.
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