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Author: Eric

The Top 5 Scariest Characters in Film/TV

As a kid I hated the feeling of being afraid and couldn’t imagine I’d ever be a fan of a horror film. But it happened though it’s rare for a film to really honestly scare me anymore. It may be that since I study film production I can almost always see the strings as it were, so when a film/TV character does scare me it makes me take all the more notice. Now again I’m not restricting myself to just horror films as there have been some truly scary people in other genres. But don’t expect to see Freddy or Jason or the like on this list as I didn’t watch those kinds of movies

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TBT Review: ‘Tucker and Dale vs Evil’ Is A New Classic

Like my “ParaNorman” review from last year, “Tucker and Dale vs Evil” may already have very good reviews but once again… they’re not good enough! Now right from the first trailer I thought this was a really clever idea for a film. I’ll link it here, but honestly I’m not sure if I should. It’s a good trailer but it’s one of those stories where it would be if you go in knowing NOTHING about it. However, you still have to market it and how do you do it without ruining the surprise without selling a totally different story. The simple answer is you can so if you haven’t seen it then I suggest you stop here. If you’ve already seen it or just aren’t sure then follow me down further as we get into the film. *Spoiler Warning.*

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Eric’s Guide to Watching the “Hannibal” Series

I think I said this in an earlier article, but Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees were never really MY horror icons. I’m not much of a slasher fan. The horror series I was really into and help get me more into the genre were the Alien series and Hannibal Lecter films. So once again let me guide you through another series and let you know which you should see and which you should avoid to help enhance your viewing pleasure. Word of warning, I’ll be discussing some of these movies in great detail so here’s a Spoiler Warning.

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Top 4 Nostalgic TV Show Halloween Episodes/Specials

These are not for what necessarily are the most “Halloweeny” episodes out there. We’re not here to honor what scared us the most when we were younger, that was another list. Some are just good episodes that just happen to be set on Halloween and they should be acknowledged so here we go.

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The Top 5 Best Bela Lugosi Performances

What are your favorite kind of actors? For me it’s the ones who never give less than 100% in their roles. It doesn’t matter if they know they’re in crap, they refuse to talk down to the material. They are almost always the best to watch. You notice a lot of those kinds of actors tend to be from older generations. There was just a greater sense of professionalism and there are many reasons for this with how the studio system worked and other factors, but the point still stands. In my opinion, one of the best actors of this kind was Bela Lugosi. Pop Culture knows him best as Dracula, but he had so much more to offer as an actor. It’s a shame the studios didn’t see it while he was alive as his career gets very sad once you start trying to follow it. So let’s give the man his due and really show off how great of an actor he was.

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