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Author: Eric

RIP Michael Parks at Age 77

With all of these bigger name celebrity deaths of the past year or so it can be easy to overlook someone like Michael Parks who passed away on May 10th at the age of 77. No word yet about the exact cause of death. This was confirmed by his agent, Jane Schulman. He is survived by his wife and son, Oriana and James. Born in April in 1940 in Corona, California. You may not recognize the name, but he’s been in some of the best (and worst) reviewed films of the past couple of years.

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Top 4 Refutes To”Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Criticisms

I personally LOVED “Force Awakens” and I think other people did too. Or at least most people did. Now before I proceed don’t misunderstand me, I am NOT saying that if you disliked the movie your opinion is wrong. I’m also not trying to box everyone who disliked it into angry internet trolls. People will like what they will. You are all entitled to your opinion. That being said I’m entitled to completely disagree with it and with this article try to fully articulate why I think those who complain about “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” are on a great first step into a larger world. Oh and SPOILER WARNING!

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Review: ‘Channel Zero’ Scares You With Nostalgia

I realize that this has ALL the warning signs. It’s produced by Max Landis and airs on the SyFy channel, but I’m here to tell you “Channel Zero” is awesome! Like me you may have first noticed “Channel Zero” in those quick little ads before a YouTube video. While house sitting for my brother I took the opportunity to work the series since it was only 6 episodes long. It’s based on creepypasta stories from the internet, one per season to be exact. This first season is based on “Candle Cove.”

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TBT Review: ‘The Last Temptation of Christ’

For this Easter I thought we could take a look back at one of the most controversial films of all-time. Martin Scorsese’s “The Last Temptation of Christ”, not surprising as it is a film about Jesus and in this day-and-age that seems to go hand in hand. It’s based on an equally controversial book and has divided viewers for years. It begins as basically retelling of the story of Jesus just with a greater emphasis on his inner conflict and trying to show him as a human first, the son of God second.

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On the DVD Shelf with Eric: ‘Wizard of Oz’

As a DVD collector who has been at this for some time I thought it would be nice to help others who want to get into the hobby or just want some help. I research my DVDs before I buy and in fact it’s EXTREMELY rare for me to buy a movie I haven’t already seen. I don’t want to be stuck with a film I end up not liking. As it happens I got a hold of two different versions of “The Wizard of Oz” on DVD and the differences are quite interesting. Hopefully after reading this, you’ll know which one you want to own. So let’s get started.

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