5 Films Where Sean Bean Actually Lives…Spoiler Alert

2. “Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief”
In “Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lighting Thief” Sean Bean plays Zeus, the supreme God of the Olympians. Although some of Zeus’ power is mysteriously stolen and he plans to retaliate by threatening war amongst the Gods, Zeus lives on but surprisingly doesn’t appear for the sequel. Honestly, Sean Bean is playing Zeus…the God of Gods, did he really have a chance at dying? If they killed off Sean Bean in this film, it would be a little ridiculous and out of place so it’s not surprising that the film ends and he lives.
1. Sean Bean in Troy
In “Troy” Sean Bean plays Odysseus, a frequent character throughout Homer’s classic Greek mythological stories. Outside of “Troy’s” focus on the Trojan War, Odysseus plays a major part throughout other stories in Greek mythology. Anyone who even loosely follows Greek mythology would know that it would be absolutely ridiculous if Odysseus (Sean Bean) died in “Troy.” his character lives on to play the hero in Homer’s “Odyssey” which tells the tale of his journey home after the Trojan War. In this role, Sean Bean had a guaranteed “life clause” in his contract playing one of Homer’s most important characters.