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Oscars 2015: Best Actors in Their Worst Films

Oscars 2015: Best Actors in Their Worst Films

Bradley Cooper All About Steve

Every actor/actress needs to start somewhere. Even those that have been nominated for (or even hold) an Oscar have had their fair share of bad films. With the 2015 Oscars over and done, here are a list of some of the worst films that this years Best Actor and Best Actress nominees were a part of.

Steve Carell – Evan Almighty

(nominated for “Foxcatcher”)

Steve Carell Evan Almighty

Steve Carell in Evan Almighty

Steve Carell is known for his comedy like his role as Michael Scott on “The Office” or his lead role in “The 40 Year Old Virgin” so it’s reasonable to see him get a bit silly from time to time. While he may have a few indie performances that correlate with his abilities that landed him a Best Actor nomination, there are a variety of comedy bombs that show Carell at his worst. Probably the worst of these films would be an unnecessary spin-off of “Bruce Almighty” titled “Evan Almighty.”

In this film we get many typecast moments from Carell including his signature scream and some goofy dancing. Like many other films, studios were trying to capitalize on Carell’s Michael Scott persona which made him famous but “Evan Almighty” showcased the worst of Steve Carell.

Michael Keaton – First Daughter

(nominated for “Birdman”)

Michael Keaton First Daughter

Michael Keaton in First Daughter

Many actors have portrayed the President of the United States, but a prestigious title doesn’t always equal a prestigious role. Alongside a young Katie Holmes, Michael Keaton played her father who dealt with her going to college while also running the United States.

The film was a typical cookie cutter film aimed at a younger audience and a Katie Holmes fan base. Unfortunately the appeal was not there for any audiences and the roles were just as generically boring as the film itself. Michael Keaton was forced to play a stereotypical role that was not engaging in the least.

Rosamund Pike – Doom

(nominated for “Gone Girl”)

Rosamund Pike Doom

Rosamund Pike in Doom

Oh my God! The brilliantly maniacal Rosamund Pike from “Gone Girl” was also in the cringe-worthy video game adapted film “Doom.” Joined by co-stars Dwayne Johnson and Karl Urban, she played the role of a scientist/doctor researching strange alien mutations and searching for a “cure.” While anyone associated with this film should be slapped, most of the cast fell victim to poorly scripted dialogue and a campy, uneventful plot.

While Rosamund Pike does have a number of other bad films like “Wraith of the Titans” and “Johnny English Reborn,” she has more than proven herself from her role in “Gone Girl.” Her performance is more than worthy for a Best Actress Oscar nomination and it makes these other films seem like a distant memory.

Click to the next page for Reese Witherspoon and more!

About The Author


Ryan has been fascinated with film and pop culture since childhood. Throughout college he "played it safe" taking the more lucrative route of being a computer programmer while squeezing in film related courses where he could...but even during his post college career, he could never escape his true passion. After following one of his favorite blogs for a long time, he approached the site's Editor about writing and they reluctantly gave him a shot. He later became their Senior Writer which led to a variety of other projects, radio show appearances, features, and high profile celebrity interviews. Despite his success with blogging, he still wanted more so in order to expand his creative addiction, he merged his IT skills and blogging know-how to create which has continued to grow into a creative Mecca of pop-culture fun and integrity.    Film Fad

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