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Five Reasons Why Wesley Snipes is a Badass

Five Reasons Why Wesley Snipes is a Badass

wesley snipes - DM

3. Simon Phoenix in Demolition Man (1993)


“Wait a minute. This is the future. Where are all the phaser guns?”


Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes) - DM -

Eye see you… get it?!

The quintessential homicidal maniac of the 1990’s, Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes) was the bane of tough as nails super cop, John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone). When Phoenix declares South Central Los Angeles his kingdom, Spartan steps in as the only cop with the guts to take him down. The only problem is that Phoenix’s maniacal mind was prepared for Spartan’s heroism, luring the gun-ho cop into a sadistic trap that claims dozens of innocent lives. Although Phoenix was found guilty for the murders, Spartan was also assigned part of the blame and sentenced to face the same fate as Phoenix. The pair were frozen in cryo-statis for decades until Phoenix was thawed-out under mysterious circumstances and let loose to run amok in the seemingly utopian future. Phoenix’s newly programmed skills and 90’s psychopathic flair is far to formidable for the fearful and new to violence future police force. With the once eden-like city quickly succumbing to ruin and chaos, the futures only hope is to reanimate John Spartan, the “Demolition Man.”


Simon Phoenix’s thoughts on the ambient temperature of the future.

“Is it cold in here, or is it just me?”

Simon Pheonix’s encouraging words of advice to his kin in crime from the 20th century.

“I want you to loot, pillage, plunder! I want ya to steal! I want you to do all the wonderful things that we used to do before all this happened.”

Phoenix’s final words spoken mere moments before he was frozen to death by cryogenic coolant and decapitated by John Spartan.

“This is the best day of my life!”

Don’t let Phoenix’s solar tinged locks and 90’s grunge ensemble fool you, He is far from a Seattle based shoe-gazer. Phoenix is a certifiable Grade-A badass… who happens to have an affinity for leather cuff bracelets.

About The Author


Since his wee lad-dom, Pooya has been a sommelier of cinema. It was likely some acting bug, fallen from the dust riddled ruby curtains of an enchanted old stage that did it. Those cinematic scarabs must have burrowed deep into his brain, irreversibly altering his mind, turning the poor boy down a dismal path. From his earliest years the strange boy would aimlessly wander the aisles of countless video rental stores, amassing his trivial knowledge with vigor. These actions befuddled the boy’s parents, who still would lovingly oblige his unusual attraction to the motion picture. Often seeking refuge in the cushioned seating of his local movie theater, the odd adolescent would immerse himself in the scripted and effects riddled realities unfolding on the screen before him. During his collegiate years, he was twice spotted on stage performing bizarre theatrical rituals before awe-struck audiences. When he departed from academia, he left behind his youth in exchange for a labor routine, but the strange young man never lost his long-cultivated love of film. Recently, Pooya was approached by to join their budding team of entertainment bloggers. After hours of coaxing and an undisclosed number of honey jars, he accepted their offer. Finally he had come full circle. Finally, at, he was home.

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