‘American Horror Story Hotel’ Opening Intro Reel Revealed

The “American Horror Story Hotel” opening intro was revealed by creator Ryan Murphy.
American Horror Story Hotel is just about here and to signify its arrival comes the signature introduction for the show. Since season 1 we have been both mesmerized and disturbed by the show’s opening credits and “American Horror Story Hotel” follows in that same fashion. Take a look for yourself below.
This intro seems like it has aspects of Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining.” While it could just be the setting in a mysterious and eerie hotel, the imagery brings a sort of nostalgic fear about the series.
With that said, I have many good feelings about this upcoming season. Ever since “American Horror Story” season 1 I have been anxiously waiting to experience the terror and tingling on my neck that the first season demanded on a weekly basis. The seasons that followed were both creative and enjoyable but lacked that instilled fear that I experienced from the show’s original premiere.
This time around I think we may get that terror aspect that has seemed to be lacking since season 1 ended. The combination of the hotel setting and continual growing cast could provide viewers with the seasonal fear that they so desire. Hopefully the imagery in this opening is an indicator of what’s to come for “American Horror Story Hotel.”
“American Horror Story Hotel” is set to premiere on October 8, 2015 on FX and is said to be available for streaming on FXNow following each episode’s premiere.